Project Management

I have collected on this page some articles I wrote on the discipline and science of project management. I have included a fairly well-known illustration in the world of project management that emphasizes the importance of communication, clarity and understanding in project management.

All teams ask for a good project manager, until they get it.

Said of management

Useful resources

Correspondence of Italian - English project management terms >>

Word and excel templates for project management >>


  • How to sync two Google calendars

    Se anche tu come molti usi due calendari di Google 1 personale e uno per lavoro e non vuoi sincronizzarli manualmente, puoi utilizzare un’applicazione per sincronizzarli. Purtroppo però questo tipo di applicazioni sono a pagamento, o meglio hanno un modello freemium per cui puoi sincronizzare un calendario alla volta. Anche sul forum di discussione di…

  • The effective use of Project Charter in the projects

    What is the project charter? The project charter is a document that contains in  a synthetic way  the answers to the fundamental questions of the project: what are the  objectives of the project , the   high-level  requirements , the assumptions  and the known risks from the beginning.  Project charter meaning Project charter means ‘guiding document’ or project definition document. The project charter in the…

  • Progressive elaboration and Rolling Wave Planning in waterfall Project Management methodology

    Progressive elaboration and Rolling Wave Planning in waterfall  Project Management methodology

    In the image we have a Work Breakdown Structure organized by phases, in which the activities in phase 1 are more detailed, i.e. they have a greater granularity, than the activities in the subsequent phases The progressive elaboration, or Rolling Wave Planning, consists in planning at a very detailed level the activities that are closest…