How to start running

Have you always wanted to take up running? Perhaps you tried but you felt badly and abandoned the project? I was in the same situation too few years ago, I started running but all I got was sore knees and frustration. Then I finally improved and now I am able to run about 8KM in 40 minutes with hardly any training. First of all, what (medical) experts suggest is to start walking for 45 minutes and see if you can make […]

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Fitness for managers

Dramatically improve your forehand with the correct weight placement

I am constantly trying to improve my tennis technique. Recently I made this discovery: you can actually hit a killer forehand standing on one foot. Guess which one it is? See picture below for the correct answer   So the next time you train or practice with your mate, try to balance the weight on the right foot before hitting the forehand. In order to do that you will need to preprare the position correctly with an approaching step, then you can

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Fitness for managers

Learn the serve in Top Spin with these 3 videos

Step 1 - Practice these two simple exercises to get the right topspin feel. [youtube] Step 2 - Follow the progression as shown in this video to develop the correct technique [youtube com / watch? v = nNvD7-KbcEA & w = 420 & h = 315] Step 3 - Learn to add power by bending your legs more and throwing the ball further into the court. A quick tennis serve is also the result of a softer arm. [youtube]

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Fitness for managers

The use of the left hand and left arm in the forehand

Too often I see tennis players playing with their left arm practically dangling at their side. Maybe they think professionals use it for beauty or maybe they never thought about it. Well, know that using your left arm to hit straight is also essential. Obviously you don't have to take the racket with both hands, but the left arm should be used exactly as in the smash and serve. That is, he must aim the ball!

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Fitness for managers

3 mental aspects of tennis: intuition, anticipation, observation

Chi ben comincia è metà dell’opera. E chi ben comincia nel tennis è a metà strada verso un bel colpo. Il primo aspetto mentale è dato dalla capacità di intuire dove il tuo avversario sta per tirare. L’intuizione non viene ovviamente dalla capacità di prevedere il futuro ma dall’attenta osservazione dei movimenti dell’avversario. Sia nel servizio che nella risposta da fondo campo dove i movimenti sono più ampi bisogna osservare attentamente la preparazione del colpo da parte dell’avversario. L’altro elemento

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Fitness for managers

5 mental steps to hit right straight

Come apprendista tennista sono sempre alla ricerca di quegli schemi mentali che mi consentano di colpire bene la palla in maniera costante. Qui di seguito i passi mentali da seguire step by step per portare correttamente i colpi, colpo dopo colpo: 1) Posizione di piedi (sinistro avanti per colpire di dritto per i destrorsi) e braccia (avambraccio sinistro all’altezza del punto di impatto con la palla e destro aperto dietro);2) Inspirazione, è meglio inspirare prima di colpire la palla ed

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Fitness for managers

Tennis: the step by step service

The serve is the most difficult shot in tennis, but it is of fundamental importance in modern tennis. The serve is a completely mental shot, so I will explain below what the practical and consequential mental steps are to execute the serve. From the moment it is time to serve: 1) Take position for the first serve, make yourself comfortable, 2) Think about where you want to aim, 3) Dribble with the hand holding the ball, bouncing it 20 centimetres inside the line.

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Fitness for managers

Open, by Andre Agassi

I read this book because I am an admirer of the tennis player that Andre Agassi was. But I understood why I admired him and I admire him only after reading this book. It is a book, in my opinion, suitable for all tennis fans and all those who in life have to fight to get what they are looking for. The autobiographical book of Andre Agassi You can buy it on amazon in paperback version by following this link Andre Agassi, Open - my story

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Management, Coaching, Fitness for managers, Books

5 competition tactics for tennis matches

In a match the pressure increases, so having a match tactic and knowing how to behave (which shot to make, where to shoot, etc.) in every situation can ensure a significant advantage over the opponent, especially if he does not have a match tactic. In this video, 5 different situations are explained for which there are very specific behaviors to adopt during the match. The 5 match situations 1) You are serving 2) You return the serve 3) Both players from the baseline

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Fitness for managers

The serve in tennis

The serve is the most difficult shot in tennis but it is also essential to play a match. The serve must put the opponent in difficulty and must guarantee an advantageous starting point. If you miss the serve or if the serve is weak you give a significant advantage to the opponent. To learn the serve you need to practice a lot. In this video some very useful concepts and exercises for learning the serve are explained. Part 11) Tossing the ball: arm straight

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Fitness for managers